Three common causes of faulty water heaters

A faulty water heater is the perfect recipe for a bad start of the day, hence ruining your entire day. Broken water heaters do not sufficiently heat up water, or they only produce scalding hot water- both being unfavorable. Apart from checking if the heater is switched on, here are a few tips to check for faults in the heater.

  1. Check if the heater temperature gauge is set incorrectly. If the water is too hot or too cold, then this might be the most likely problem. This can be fixed easily, by looking through the manual of your water heater.
  2. The next common problem is a broken filament. The filament operation is detected by the pilot light, which should always be on. If it isn’t, then either the light is damaged or the filament is damaged. Checking for both is recommended. Checking and replacing a filament is best left to the professionals as it requires special tools and expertise in order to replace the filament.
  3. The plumbing can also be a major reason for insufficient heating. Older pipes and plumbing can have a high heat dissipation, thus cooling off hot water considerably before it reaches your taps.

At NSA Kaiksow as one of the best Plumbing Contracting in Bahrain, our water heater contractors and technicians provide viable maintenance services, ensuring that your water heaters are brought back to good working condition. For more information about our services, do visit our website at